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Dependants menu contains list of employee Dependants. A Dependent is someone you support financially.


If you meet the criteria, you'll be able to claim that person as a Dependent.

You can claim an extra personal exemption for each dependant, and you may qualify for other tax breaks as well.


The following functions are available:

  1. Steps to maintain dependant
  2. Alerts
  3. Papua New Guinea Dependant Tax Rebate

1. Steps to maintain dependant

  1. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Employee Choose the employee. Refer to Employee Access Security 
     Relation  Refer to Relationship Maintenance
     Date of Birth
     Phone Home
     Phone Office
     Phone Mobile
     Tax ID  Tax Identification Number provided by the Tax Authority.
     Notes  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void  Void the selected record

2. Alerts

The following alerts are available:


 Code  Description
 Processes  ESS011  Send employee's dependant birthday alert. This alert is sent to the employee.

3. Papua New Guinea Dependant Tax Rebate

Dependant details are used to calculate tax rebate for Papua New Guinea. Refer to Papua New Guinea tax office for more details.

Figure 1: Employee Dependant